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I once let someone borrow money. I handed it over with a smile and pride. It’s nothing, no worries. I love to help. I am a good person. Somewhere inside of my good person I noted the exchange, and thought myself Bigger. I thought the other person might feel that way too.

Spirit watched me and giggled.

I bought a person presents, and I cooked them dinners. I listened to every story and worry. I did errands for them. Somewhere inside I kept a list of what I did for them. The list grew and I began to see them differently, Because I was waiting for my return, and praise and thanks. I began to see them as selfish. Bitterness growled in my belly And I began to bark We drifted apart as my upset grew bigger. Didn’t they realize all I had done? What a generous person I was?

Spirit watched me and giggled some more.

I decided I would join a cause. I would announce my cause to the world. I would let everyone know What good I was doing And what bad others were doing Somehow anger became my fuel And love got lost And I became sad

Spirit watched me and sighed, spooning me in my sleep

I was lost So I became quiet And gave time to me “I am exhausted!” I started to wonder what it was like To be me, without trying so hard I wondered why I would not let people Give to me too, just give. And I began To recall What was true giving

Giving is a seeing.

Spirit watched me and cried quiet love so as not to disturb my illumination

So I practiced On how to give And to give, without Need Without cause Without desire But to give simply Because I feel I appreciate And understand That I love

I learned that Someone truly giving to Me is a powerful healer I am learning, to let them In. Without worry of what I give in return. Because when they simply Give. They are telling me They understand me And love me.

Generosity feels so warm.



Through practice, we build this invisible yet real muscle of a stronger intuition and ease in understanding ourselves and others...

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