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E P I C   2

Zagori, Greece / October 11-16


Everything has a beginning. Or does it? Maybe what I write to you now really began thousands of years ago. Yet the whisper to create “Epic” was heard by me more recently.  You see, I began to imagine Epic after listening to retreat participants’ desires. 

Over the last few years, on the final evening of retreats,  I have heard people say things like: “I wish it wasn’t over, I feel like I have finally unwound into my clearer self, and I have more to do here, more to discover ” (I take wishes seriously).

And I wondered, “Isn’t it odd how when we plan, we limit time, yet once we are in the right environment, we are open to taking more of it.”

And so it began…”Could I do a retreat that lasted longer than a week? Or should I do two retreats very close together, so there is the choice of attending one or both? Could we go to two very different locations?” ( oooh that would be fun! ) “Could we do something really epic?” 

Epic. The word persistently sat in me like a buddha. 

I looked it up to get a feel for it: Epic- The word epic is derived from the Ancient Greek adjective, “epikos”, which means a poetic story. In literature, an epic is a long narrative poem, which is usually related to heroic deeds of a person of unusual courage and unparalleled bravery.


You, as poetry. 

Yes. That feels true. 

So I chose two locations I love for their undeniable majesty and alchemy. 


Zagori was placed by men or God in Epirus, Greece. In Ancient times Epirus might be referred to as infinite country or kingdom. Among rows of mountains, peer into the distance and you will spot small villages, carved out through time. This is a land of legends and forests, hobbit like homes and tales of dragons, elves and fairies.  Rare flowers bloom and cobbled paths and bridges appear in  the forests of giant ancient trees. Nearby the Vikos Gorge scoops deep into the earth offering majestic views both of depth and height. This land speaks, and it stirs within us with a rapturous wonder. This is why I want to bring you here. 


Our home for Epic 2 is the Aberratio Hotel, on the mountains edge of the small and touchingly beautiful village called Aristi. Think stone and wood, fireplaces with cozy spaces and epic views. 

How do we begin?
With a breath
And a sigh

You, I and this earth
are so much more
than a life time. 
We are spiritual
timeless poetry.

Accommodations & Breakfasts: 

Each room at Aberratio is unique, and priced accordingly. 
Choose your room from the link below, and then send me a note with your choice and I will put you in touch with reception in order to assure the retreat rate.

Retreat Sessions: 

  • Third eye meditation each morning (come in pajamas if you like) ​

  • Daily morning yoga vinyasa

  • 2 Evening Yin/Restorative

  • 1 Spine top and tale movement class 

  • 2 Fascial Release Sessions

  • Breathwork Session 1: 
    Revelations and the poet.
    The comfort of knowing, unknowing and not knowing 

  • Breathwork Session 2: 
    The boomerang and the poet.
    Being the bullseye.

  • Breathwork Session 3:
    The guides and the poet.   
    The listening to learn Soul language

* For dinners and lunches, the village and restaurants are a short walk from our hotel. Think warm and rustic, fresh air, soups and pies, autumn trees and starlight. 

Other options available upon request: 
Hike to Dragons Lake
Personal Training
River rafting 

Are you interested in joining us for Epic 2?  Please contact Lucy at or +306945050832 (WhatsApp).  * Lucy likes to meet guests beforehand, so it's helpful to set up a 15 minute zoom chat, so you can ask questions you may have, and get acquainted. 


How to get to Zagori from Athens



Through practice, we build this invisible yet real muscle of a stronger intuition and ease in understanding ourselves and others...

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